Our Team

Apii Timoti : Chief Executive Officer

Timothy Teulilo : Chief Financial Officer

Ringi Tumutoa : Executive Assistant

Our Board Members

Des Eggelton

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Des Eggelton first came to Rarotonga in 1970 as a young designer employed by the New Zealand Department of Works on the Rarotonga Airport development. He returned to NZ in 1971 and in 1980 applied for the New Zealand Government Station Works Officer in Rarotonga. Des branched out into tourism over the next 30 years. During the 1990s, was President of the Cook Islands Chamber of Commerce for 4 years. Between 1996-2004 he served as a director of the Cook Islands Tourism Corporation. In 2008-2009 he became Chairman for a short time. Throughout the 2000s Des used his design and project management skills to assist in the construction of accommodation properties and homes in both Rarotonga and Aitutaki. Des has an incredible amount of local knowledge with regard to Cook Islands commerce and major development over the past 40 years.

MA (Hons), LLB Solicitor of High Court of New Zealand (1990)
Solicitor of High Court Cook Islands (1992)
Member Cook Islands Law Society

Brian has had a varied career having held a number of senior positions in the public sector in New Zealand before moving to Rarotonga in 1993. In Rarotonga, Brian worked as a solicitor for a major law firm before being appointed the Assistant Chief of Staff for the Office of the Prime Minister of the Cook Islands. Following this Brian was appointed to the Cook Islands Investment Corporation finishing his tenure there as CEO. In 2000 Brian joined a large Cook Island trust company. Brian has spent 15 years working in general practice in all fields of law including civil, commercial, equity, contract and constitutional. He is also a director of the largest private business in the Cook Islands and a director of a private boutique resort in Rarotonga. He currently operates his own law practice. With his background, Brian brings a wealth and depth of business acumen, experience and corporate governance to Ta Tatou Vai.

Brian Mason – Chairman

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Sam has a vast and deep knowledge of Rarotonga’s Water Network and its history since inception in 1907. He has worked in the water industry in Rarotonga for over 40 years and has seen every major project initiated on the island with involvement in most. Sam is also a qualified engineer and with his wealth of experience in Cook Islands land customs, project management and local connections, he brings invaluable knowledge to the To Tatou Vai board.

Sam Tauei Napa

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