Schedule of Fees & Charges


New Water Connection

All new connection costs are calculated on a case-specific basis, based on the information supplied in your application and a site visit by TTV to ascertain water main supply access, property location, and other requirements. Please note that assessments and planning for connections that may require an extension of the water infrastructure network or service mains can take up to 20 working days or more.

We will seek a site-specific quote for every new connection which will be on-charged to the owner or applicant. The connection will only be installed subject to a TTV quotation presented to the owner or applicant, upon acceptance of the quote, and pre-payment of the TTV fee. You can click and download an application form below

New Water Connection Application Form

Disconnection and or Reconnection

Cost : $50.00

A Reconnection Fee of $50.00 is payable where your supply has been disconnected and a resumption of supply is requested.